
Friday, December 6, 2013

Trailer house is sold!

I am SO excited, last night the buyers came with the money for the trailer house!!! I'm not sure yet when they plan to take it, but I'm guessing with it being winter they'll be wanting it out fast lest it get snowed in... It's such a relief!

Meanwhile, it's turned cold here. Much to our relief, I might add. With all the dirt work Jere just did to extend the driveway up to the house, and then snow/rain/above freezing temps, well, it got rather sticky as soon as you stepped out the door. Yuck. Now that it's frozen again, the mud issue has disappeared. For now. We did have some gravel delivered so hopefully that will get spread on the new section of driveway before it thaws again, and hopefully it will make things a little easier. I'm NOT looking forward to all the mud and mess spring will bring! But such is the stage of life right now, and one day we'll be in a different stage and this one will only be a memory. And for right now, I'm just glad it's cold! And with it being cold, we're finding out all the spots where the insulation isn't thick enough. Jere spent the morning putting insulation in the exposed basement walls, so that should help. Hopefully he'll be able to find time today to replace the back door too, as the frame of the old one got bent out of shape when the house got moved and it has pretty good sized cracks around parts of it. We have a blanket covering the opening to the stairs going up, as there's no insulation in the master bedroom due to remodeling--and, why heat the whole upstairs when we're not using it anyway? I'm VERY much looking forward to starting work up there again, even if I can't help much. But there's still a few things to be done before we can do that...

Last week I gained a noticeable amount of strength, but after a busy weekend and several late nights in a row, I've been pretty worn out this week. Time to just rest again! :-P Oh well. This coming weekend will be a big one for us too--we're leaving Sunday afternoon for a couple days' "honeymoon" as an anniversary celebration. We are really looking forward to that! And wondering how the children will do with us gone for a couple of nights--none of them have been without us for that long! I'm sure they'll be well taken care of, though. Thanks, Micah and Amy!

Something I've just started as I take time out from my normal schedule, which is usually an incredibly crazy one this time of the year, is taking some online classes for website management/design. I think I've done fairly well with our business site for not having ANY experience in making web sites, but the more I do the more I realize just how limited my knowledge is and how much better I could do if I knew a little more. So that's keeping me very occupied when I'm not teaching school or settling squabbles. It's definitely challenging for me! But hopefully will pay off in the end...

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