
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Getting to Haiti!

Here is part of the letter I sent soon after we arrived at the mission house and figured out how to use their internet connection:
Just thought I should write to let you know we arrived safely in Haiti yesterday! The traveling went very well, despite me only getting an hour of sleep before we left, and Jere getting none. He slept quite a bit while traveling, though, so that helped. The children did extremely well, the only real incident being after we touched down in Miami and had to wake Eliott and make him walk as our hands were FULL. He was tired and needed to be carried himself, poor little fellah! The boys got tired of toting backpacks and the fun of pulling the rolling carry-ons got old rather fast, but we were allowed to check a few of the bulkier carry-ons at the first gate, so that helped tremendously!

Arriving in Haiti was rather interesting. We got our first taste of Haitianisms before we ever landed. Eliott's "neighbor" spilled his beverage all over Eliott, his tray, and toys. Not a single word of apology, as if he didn't care in the least. So much for that! However after all the stories of the dirt and traffic and poverty and crowds, it was a pleasant surprise to discover that it really didn't seem all that odd. The only thing that really got to me was I couldn't communicate! I almost spoke Spanish (out of habit) to the one man who wouldn't leave us alone, but he evidently understood "no" once I spoke firmly enough! But really it didn't seem that different. Enough of their written words look close enough to English or Spanish I can make out a lot of the signs, etc. We got through customs, etc, without a problem, and picked up our baggage with the help of one of the "bosses". Between us and Rhoda, our traveling companion we picked up in Miami, we had enough stuff that we ended up with 3 native helpers. Once they realized Steve was the one waiting for us they were pretty disappointed! One shook his head sadly and said with a sigh, "Steve. Not good, not good." They knew he wouldn't pay them more than they were worth! Steve and Anita were there waiting for us, having left the others of their group back at a restaurant. We loaded our boxes and bags onto the new Land Rover/ambulance, and headed out into Haiti! We were bound up in traffic for a little bit, but I didn't think it was just too bad. Though it was rather hot and sticky. Even Anita said she was hot! We went to the restaurant and had some supper. Haitian spaghetti and sandwiches and french fries! I got to taste some goat and crepe as well. It was mostly very yummy, though the crepe wasn't exactly my favorite. :-) At least all I had to eat was one little bite to try it. ;-) Then we drove some more to the CAM guesthouse where we spent the night. Dear little Leanna was way overtired from getting less than half her normal sleep for a 24 hour period, and when she realized we were going to be sleeping in a strange place and she was supposed to go down in a pack'n'play all by herself she started screaming. The only way to calm her was for me to hold her and walk--she wouldn't have anything to do with Jere either! So I walked her till around 11 when she was finally sleeping soundly enough that I could lay her down. Then she was up bright and early at 6:30! But in between I slept like a rock. I'm hoping she does OK and can get into a good schedule before too long here. She napped for only a couple of minutes so far this morning.

The guesthouse we're at is very, very nice and relaxing. The house reminds me a lot of the one we lived in in Nicaragua, and so does the heat and humidity! We can see the ocean from the porch, and there are lovely trees and tropical flowers all around. Everyone else took off this morning to an English Bible study, leaving us here to try catch up on some rest and let the children unwind. The plan is to head back up the mountains later this afternoon, or possibly tomorrow if things get too late today. I'm looking forward to being able to settle in!

Ok, I should go for now. For those who get the blog posts, you might get this twice. :-)


PS Since we didn't end up with WIFI till now that we're here at the mission, I'm adding to this letter! We traveled back into the mountains Sunday (yesterday) afternoon. It was an interesting ride! Driving through Port we came across one scene where we quickly turned around--there were too many people and police milling around to bode good for those who traveled through there. After all the stories, I didn't think the traffic was any too bad. But we were packed fairly tight, and till we got to Ti Guove (the last "real" town on the ride in) I was ready to get out and stretch! Then came the bumpy trail, the part Jaron was begging to be on! Not too far out of town we got to a spot where there was a steep valley on one side, and it made me catch my breath a little! I don't like heights. But then somehow I just got used to it and really enjoyed it most of the rest of the way. Ok, yes, it was bumpy and muddy and steep and all, but really, what else do you expect? I was pretty sore till we got "home" from hanging on to my littles to keep them from rapping a head against anything hard. So, oh well. We made it safe and sound! This morning we had breakfast with Steve and Shana and visited with them for awhile. Now I'm at "our" house watching Leanna while Eliott naps and I can hopefully get a bit settled in. :-) Jere's off and running already, helping Steve haul some stuff. I'll hopefully be able to introduce the other inmates of the missions one of these days, but for now I should get this letter off and get finished with the unpacking.

By the way, if you send pictures, please downsize them greatly or wait till we're back Stateside! The internet is pretty limited!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Getting ready to go. . .

Guess it's been awhile since I updated anything! Seems like life has been terribly full lately and not leaving a whole lot of time for the blog. Plus I haven't had time to snap pictures, and somehow a blog entry doesn't seem complete without pictures! But oh well. Such is life sometimes!

We are coming down the final stretch of getting ready to go. I have to watch my shopping, that I don't buy any perishables I don't think we can eat up before we leave. Plus trying to make sure I remember what I need to get to take with us when we go! Which has been a bit of a challenge with so many facets to taking a family out of the country! I'm constantly feeling like I'm forgetting things, and I usually am. :-)

I started getting some packing done this afternoon. I've just been tossing things in a tote as I pick up stuff we need to bring, but it's far overflowing the tote now! It seems like most of it has to wait till the last minute since clothes and such has to be available to be worn--and then washed--in the remaining days before we leave. Then with trying to juggle weights and volumes to make it all fit and still weigh less than the limit we can't really do too much till we can see what all we have. And I think our carry-ons are going to be heavy!!! Jaron was excited to be packing his back-pack this afternoon. Seemed a bit premature, but it is something that CAN be done! :-) So now it's almost ready, and somehow it makes it all seem so much more real.

Jere still has two days of work ahead of him, at least partial days. Plus he has to bale hay and finish the work he's been doing with the dog pens. It seems like we have to cram an awful lot into a little bit of time. In addition Leanna started with a runny nose this morning, and was very crabby at bedtime, which is unusual for her. I haven't been sleeping the best, and I'm concerned that we don't all get sick during this rather stressful time. Please pray for health and strength as we walk through a challenging time. But God is SO good to us! He's provided work after it was looking bleak for a bit, and we have had a very healthy summer so far. Our children are very excited about our trip, and that's a blessing too!

I expect the next update will be from the airport or from Haiti! Keep in touch--we enjoy hearing from you too!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Family fun at the park!

Well, last Saturday we met with Timothy and Trish, and their 4 children, and Daddy, Mama, Grace, and Susie at a state park for some family fun time and to celebrate Mama's 60th birthday. We had a lovely time together, playing in the sand, hiking, and sharing a thunderstorm during supper! :-) Here are a few pictures for you!



Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to Gabriella!!

And here is the newest addition to the extended family! Jon and Lisa happily welcomed their darling little girl on September 4. Her name is Gabriella Anne, she weighed in at 7 lbs 2 oz and was 20 1/2" long. I'm really hoping we can go meet her today or tomorrow. . . depends on what Jere has going some! :-) The boys are excited about having another cousin, and I'm sure Leanna will grow up enjoying a girl cousin so close to her age!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bee sting!

Yep, the poor li'l mister got a bee sting on his lip. He was out delivering lumber with his Daddy, and discovered a used beer can full of bees. Not realizing what it was or what it was full of, he evidently tried to take a swig--most likely thinking it was a soda can. And he suffered for it. Jere knew that plaintain (a "weed" that grows wild in most unsprayed lawns) when chewed and applied can cut the pain and swelling, but he didn't know which plant it was so came flying home to Mama to fix it! But when Eliott saw Mama coming with that big, slimy wad of chewed up weed directed right for his lip he completely freaked out. So I ran back to the house and grabbed my bottle of Lavender oil. Ah, that was a little less scary, and within seconds he was his happy self, saying it didn't hurt anymore and ready to go help again. He still looks rather comical, but at least it doesn't seem to bother him!

Summer happenings

Well, we're staying busy with lots of little before-winter projects that are suddenly needing to be done before the end of the month! Seems like there's an awful lot to do, but we're plugging away at it. And enjoying our sweet little family in the process! :-)
Here's a photo of the "new" shed for the cow being drug into place. She'll be paying a visit to the bull while we're gone, and now with this shed she and the calf will be able to winter at our place this winter.

The little monkey going to work with Daddy.

Siding the dog barn. Once that's done we'll be re-doing the kennel runs as well, to give the dogs some more space.

Big helper!