
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bible reading program

Jere and I have been doing a certain Bible reading program for the last several months. We've enjoyed it so much I thought I should share it! At first it does sound a bit daunting, but it really isn't once you get used to it. It's ten chapters a day, each chapter from a different section of the Bible. There are ten bookmarks, one for each chapter, and on them they say which books of the Bible that one marker is supposed to be for. For example, marker one says "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John." So first thing, you read one chapter from the gospels. The second one starts in Genesis and goes through Deuteronomy. Each section is a different length so you're not reading through the Bible at the same rate. Marker 7 is the book of Proverbs, so you read the entire book of Proverbs each month. Marker 10 is Acts, so again, you read Acts about once a month. I have found it very, very well set up. The books of the Bible that seem to have the most "meat" are the ones you read the most often. The others are being read too, and not being entirely neglected. Mixing them up so you're reading such a variety every day makes it very interesting, and you can see parallels throughout the Scripture much easier. One of the nicest things about it is that you can take it at your own pace. It IS set up to read 10 a day. But as a busy Mommy, I can't always find the time to read 10 chapters (which, depending on the day, can take me up to 45 minutes, though usually more like half an hour), and if I choose to read 5 chapters instead, the next five won't go anywhere and there's no checklist so I don't feel like I'm getting "behind". Jere actually usually splits it and does 5 a day. For a slow reader like him, I'm impressed! (Nothing against him being a slow reader, by the way. He often thinks through it better than me who sometimes gets into the bad habit of skimming and not really seeing what I'm reading!) Or, on a hard day or one where I'm not feeling well/rocking a child a lot who isn't feeling well, I can easily do 15-20 chapters without screwing up the system. God has been using this greater immersion in His Word to bless us and draw us closer to Him. And it's fun and exciting to do! So, here is the link to the site where you can download the bookmarks.

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