
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Little milestones, busy time of life

I couldn't quite figure out how to title this post, obviously! Seems like there's SO much going on I just can't keep up.

Okay, for the biggest milestone first: I have one completely out of diapers!!!  Eliott graduated to undies at bedtime after being dry at least 7 nights out of 8! I'm impressed!!! I expect every once in awhile I'll still have to change wet sheets, but he's even been waking us up at night so he can go potty. Nice. Now for the other two. . .

Leanna's about to put in her next three teeth all at the same time from the looks of it. She has 5 right now. What a doll. She just discovered she can climb up on the child-size chair we have! She stands on it, grasping the back, and rocks back and forth laughing hilariously! I set it up against the soft recliner to make sure she stays upright, and she has a blast. Too cute!
The first time I saw her up on the chair!
Jaron has been doing very, very well in school. He's reading quite well for his age, often able to read through a whole sentence and comprehend it the first time! Of course if some of the words are too hard he has to go back over it, but I'm quite happy with his progress. Yesterday I saw him valiantly trying to sound out the words in his little Bible. SO sweet. He doesn't know his long vowels yet so it was impossible for him to get it right, but he was trying so hard!
Puppies are taking up a lot of my time these days. Between keeping the website updated and answering emails, I also have to supplement the feeding of the little runt of the litter. Poor little guy isn't as big and strong as the others and doesn't get his fair share--or even enough to survive on.  I've been bottle feeding him three times a day, but he's still not gaining so I'm afraid it will have to go up to four times a day, if not more. I feel like I totally do NOT have time for it, but the children so love the puppy coming in to be fed, and the boys fight for the priviledge of getting to put the bottle back in the fridge when Browning doesn't finish it all. So we relax and enjoy it since we have to do it anyway!
I've started making our own yogurt again, instead of buying it, and I'm experimenting with sour cream. Plus I'm trying to get back in the swing of making granola and all of our bread, and cutting down on the food we buy. We have a freezer and cupboards bursting with food--good, healthy food from our garden--so why should we have to spend so much at the store? Yes, it takes more time and effort to prepare meals, but it's healthier and cheaper too. So I'm enjoying the challenge most days, and some days wonder why I even try! ;-) I am finding, though, that it forces me to be more faithful and diligent, and inspires me to find things the boys can help with. They love helping SO much, and then when they know its really needed they just thrive. And that keeps them from fighting over toys or making bigger messes too!
And that reminds me, the house IS rather a mess right now and I'm needing to clean up the kitchen to get started on some supper! Better get it done while Leanna is sleeping, since she seems to be in the habit of cat-napping these days and not sleeping very long at all. Ah, little ones!

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