
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Birthdays and other blessings

Whew, it's been awhile since I posted anything! And we've had a lot going on in the last few weeks. So I'll try to catch up with things.

The two biggest events of the last couple of weeks have been birthdays!

Jere turned 34!
And Eliott turned 4!

His prized Bulldozer cake...
Our house is coming along, SLOOOWLY. But, it's coming! We had someone come spray foam insulation in the ceiling in our bedroom's new vaulted ceiling. So now our house is insulated--a help in this colder weather we've been having.

We now have all the sheetrock hung (sorry, no pictures yet) and a friend is doing the mudding for us. I'm hoping to have a painting day and get the upstairs painted before Jere gets back from Haiti. Oh, yes, I don't think I'd mentioned that before. Jere's going to Haiti as part of his involvement with the SALT board, leaving on Thursday, and he will be gone for a week. It's going to be a bit challenging to have him gone right now, but it seems I'm going to have some support from some of our friends at church so that should help.

And, last but certainly not least, I'm getting stronger. I think. As soon as I think I am I go do a bunch and get SO tired that it lays me out for a couple of days. Oh well. I finally got one curtain made! It was the simplest one in the house, and took me 3 days.

The kitchen window with the new curtain.

Today I worked up enough energy to touch up a few spots of paint on the kitchen cabinets that needed it, and painted the trim on one window upstairs. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to do my work again one day and not feel like I ran a marathon afterward!

We are getting a mild blizzard today. I enjoy watching snow blow! Though the wind seems to seep in all the little cracks everywhere. But the drifts outside are lovely!

Have a wonderful, blessed day! And please remember to pray for us over the next 10 days. For safe journeys for Jere, and safety and sanity for those he leaves behind!

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