
Monday, February 25, 2013

Life stays busy!

As many of you are aware, we just put our house up for sale. And that usually quite quickly brings the response: "So, where are you moving?" The long and short answer is, we don't know yet! We do have our eyes on a couple of places locally, but a lot depends on when we sell our house, what we sell it for, and how the Lord leads us meanwhile. Please pray with us that God would lead us clearly, and brings a buyer for our place! I just added a new page to the blog (to the right of where it says "Home" just above this section) to help us in advertising our house, so feel free to share the link to that page with anyone who you think might be interested, or know someone who is.

Another thing that has happened recently was that Jere was asked to be on the SALT-Haiti board. SALT is an organization that loans money to people in poor countries such as Haiti, and has it structured so that they actually have a very high success rate in people being able to actually support themselves after a time. SALT gives their clients a lot of teaching on saving money, paying back their loans, building a successful business, managing inventory, and even touch on health and family issues. One woman who was involved in the program, who had two children and no husband, is now able to pay for her children to go to school, with the money she is earning through the business SALT assisted her to start! (In addition to paying off her loan, and being able to buy decent food.) She stated to the rep who interviewed her that she has her dignity back. We are excited about the opportunity to help with such a successful, helpful program!

Jaron finished his K5 math book today, and tomorrow begins First Grade math! We're all excited about that! He is doing exceptionally well with his school work, and is reading very well for a 5 year old, I think.

I have started a handful of plants already, in preparation for hoping to garden still this summer. (That, of course, depends largely on what happens with selling our place.) The onions and petunias seem to be doing well, and I should be working on getting more seeds into dirt today yet. Spring isn't too far around the corner anymore!

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