
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Belated update

Summer, as you may have guessed, has been a busy season of life for us! With three little folks growing up SO fast, it's hard to keep up with just them, never mind house and jobs and normal life. Which has also been taking our time and energy.

Our garden decided to not do anything this year. With the house in a different spot, it seemed most convenient to move the garden as well. We didn't have time to properly prepare the ground, due partly to a very wet year, and then the grass grew. It's been growing much more thickly in the garden then it's even pretending to do in the yard, and with it being wet I wasn't able to really do much about it, till it was too late. Our corn is only knee high, and tasseling. The tomatoes never grew after I set them out. But the carrots and peas are doing well, and I'm still hopeful we'll end up with a few zucchini and maybe some cucumbers. The garlic is looking fantastic, and that reminds me it's about time to dig it up! The flower gardens are looking quite nice, though, so I'm enjoying the food for the soul...

Work on the house has been almost to a standstill, with so much going on outside. We finally have all the landscaping done, and are preparing to tear into residing part of the house, hoping to get that project done before it thinks about getting cold. Meanwhile, I spent a few hours yesterday cleaning lumber out of Leanna's bedroom (lumber waiting for us to work on our upstairs bathroom, which will be awhile yet I'm afraid) and getting it girlified. Thanks to Grace for sewing up the curtains for her! It feels so much more finished, even though we still have flooring to put down, and Leanna's tickled pink. Or is it purple?

Leanna's bedroom 

The new railing and gutter on our front porch.
The Princess enjoying the porch
 Another project we've had is chickens. Jere finally broke down and let me get some laying hens, and we are also raising another batch of broilers. The broilers will be put in the freezer sometime next week, and the pullets are running around making our yard feel really homey. There's just something about the pert little layers foraging around for bugs and other tasty tidbits that makes a place feel so comfortable. Guess that's what I get for growing up around chickens! (Dad, can I blame that one on you?!) And our other animals are still around, mostly. Bossy had another bull calf a few weeks ago, and Buster, our two year old steer, is about to go in the freezer. Button, the heifer from last year, is getting big enough that she should be able to have a calf next spring. Our faithful Mama Cat had raised a litter of two kittens before being hit on the road last week. But we had just picked up 3 more kittens (one for each child) the week before, so our cat population actually went up. Both of our lady dogs look like they're going to be having puppies in late August, so that will up the work load for a few months. I'm super excited to see Tundra's pups--they should be nice ones!
A pullet and young cockerel taking advantage of the lovely day.

 And last but not least, look for a post next week as we begin our school year!

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