
Friday, May 10, 2013

Jere's home again!

Jere is safely home again, praise the Lord!!! We are very, very glad to have him back and have his strong, sure hand at the helm again. Things went pretty well without him, but it just doesn't seem right to have him gone... He had a good trip, learned a lot and helped out where needed. Nothing overly exciting happened, which in an unstable little country like Haiti is a good thing. Well, I guess a generator was stolen from the roof of the house right over where he was sleeping one night, but not much could be done about it.

I do have a handful of pictures to share, but we pay for internet by the GB and we're getting pretty close to our limit this month, so I'll wait till next week for pictures. Sorry!

One of the most exciting things that is happening is, we are getting a house! Due to the difficulty in selling a piece of property with a mobile home on it, with the "new" regulations on borrowing for such a place, we looked into the possibility of having a house moved on to our land. The Lord has graciously opened the doors for us, and we confirmed yesterday that yes, indeed, we have a house to move! It's a three bedroom, two story farmhouse, about 6 miles away over very hilly roads. We plan to place it in what is now our back yard, about where the clotheslines sit now. As you might imagine, there is a lot of work ahead of us this summer in preparing it to be lived in. It's in pretty good shape, but needs almost all new flooring and for sure new paint on the inside. Jere will be doing the excavating for the basement, and building that once the house is moved in (so he can get the corners lined up!). Then once the basement is built and the house set down, we'll be painting and repairing flooring and putting in new light fixtures and doing a little remodeling, and all that fun stuff. We are very excited about having a little more space for our growing family, as well as a place that should be a little easier to sell once we're done with it, we hope! Of course, I'll post pictures and updates as things progress, so check back. :-)

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