
Monday, September 24, 2012

Getting ready to go. . .

Guess it's been awhile since I updated anything! Seems like life has been terribly full lately and not leaving a whole lot of time for the blog. Plus I haven't had time to snap pictures, and somehow a blog entry doesn't seem complete without pictures! But oh well. Such is life sometimes!

We are coming down the final stretch of getting ready to go. I have to watch my shopping, that I don't buy any perishables I don't think we can eat up before we leave. Plus trying to make sure I remember what I need to get to take with us when we go! Which has been a bit of a challenge with so many facets to taking a family out of the country! I'm constantly feeling like I'm forgetting things, and I usually am. :-)

I started getting some packing done this afternoon. I've just been tossing things in a tote as I pick up stuff we need to bring, but it's far overflowing the tote now! It seems like most of it has to wait till the last minute since clothes and such has to be available to be worn--and then washed--in the remaining days before we leave. Then with trying to juggle weights and volumes to make it all fit and still weigh less than the limit we can't really do too much till we can see what all we have. And I think our carry-ons are going to be heavy!!! Jaron was excited to be packing his back-pack this afternoon. Seemed a bit premature, but it is something that CAN be done! :-) So now it's almost ready, and somehow it makes it all seem so much more real.

Jere still has two days of work ahead of him, at least partial days. Plus he has to bale hay and finish the work he's been doing with the dog pens. It seems like we have to cram an awful lot into a little bit of time. In addition Leanna started with a runny nose this morning, and was very crabby at bedtime, which is unusual for her. I haven't been sleeping the best, and I'm concerned that we don't all get sick during this rather stressful time. Please pray for health and strength as we walk through a challenging time. But God is SO good to us! He's provided work after it was looking bleak for a bit, and we have had a very healthy summer so far. Our children are very excited about our trip, and that's a blessing too!

I expect the next update will be from the airport or from Haiti! Keep in touch--we enjoy hearing from you too!

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