Happily, here are some more progress pictures! Hooray! Our house is coming along, slooowly, but coming!
The new kitchen sink, set in place for the first time!! (We got it used, with the faucet. Isn't it lovely?!)
The Handsome Man working at the plumbing. (Only to find he doesn't have the right part...)
Here's the kitchen, waiting for a good, thorough cleaning, the sink to be plumbed, and the appliances moved in. Then, then, we can USE it!!!!
And... HERE is the bathroom!!! Pretty much done for now, and we're SO excited have a working bathroom (including running water!). I think all that needs to be done is to give the vanity and shower a thorough cleaning, touch up a little paint, and screw the new showerhead on.
So, what's next? Well, to be honest the pressure is pretty intense right now. It's getting rather chilly these days (61* in the trailer house all day today!) so we need the furnace to get hooked up. Sounds like our furnace man will be coming tomorrow to run the gas lines to where the kitchen stove, furnace, and our new gas dryer will be. And the gas company is coming Friday to move the tank up to the new house. So, we will "have" to move the kitchen over Friday or Saturday, I guess! Plus, Jere's allergies have really flared up, as they tend to do when I neglect to clean. So, I have to get at least our bedroom cleaned up--massive job, since it's been the stockpile spot for everything we're collecting for the new house! Like, stacks and stacks of fabric for curtains (and some to replace Leanna's dwindling stack of dresses that fit!) and mending stuff that I haven't had time to deal with. Not good for dust allergies...
We also need to finish the living room, and soon. It still needs the walls and trim painted, and then half the floor gets ripped up to repair a big patched area, and then it gets put back down, sanded thoroughly, and finished. What little we have sanded has revealed what promise to be lovely Maple flooring. Once that's done, we'll pretty much live in the new house and sleep in the old. And hopefully that will give us room to maneuver in the old house, to finish up the remodeling we started in there and never finished. Once THAT's done, we can put it up for sale!! And, we need it sold and out of here in time that we can do some landscaping before things freeze... Or we will be in a pickle. This place is a MESS when it rains--I can't imagine what it would be like to add ice to the mix! So, we keep plugging along and hoping we can get things done in time.
We did spend some time on next year's garden last weekend. Jere tilled some in the new garden spot and I planted garlic. We also made a small flower bed by the back steps, and I put some tulips and daffodils in there, along with a few transplants from my current flower garden that will hopefully soon be done away with. :-) I have a few more flowers to move out of there yet--guess I'll just put them into the regular garden till the other flower bed can be built next spring. We also got onions, carrots, and beets out of the old garden, and are waiting for a killing frost to dig the sweet potatoes. Then we can let the cows loose in it to clean up all the weeds! :-)
We also said goodbye to all of our last litter of puppies, so now that responsibility has ceased. Hooray! The sick one did recover beautifully, and also went to her new home. Praise the Lord!
Not sure when I'll have a chance to update again... Seems like I have far more calling for my attention these days than I have time to get around to. But, I'll try to in the next couple weeks. Till then, enjoy the fall!