God is good, all the time. Even when it's hard to believe. As in now, when I am in the hospital recovering from surgery after having a ruptured ectopic/tubal pregnancy. I was in a tremendous amount of pain that came suddenly Monday morning, and as our family doc was busy with another emergency and we had no idea what was really going on we waited until afternoon to go to the clinic. Once we were there they couldn't get a blood pressure or much of a pulse, and our friendly ambulance crew screamed us to the hospital. After an ultrasound that confirmed the thought on everyone's mind, I went into surgery to have the ruptured tube--and, obviously, the baby--removed. (As I was only 6 weeks along, the baby was about the size of a sesame seed and they wouldn't have been able to find it.) They suctioned out more than 2 liters of blood, which is about half of the normal adult's blood volume, and said I came fairly close to bleeding to death. Recovery had been difficult from losing that much blood and the abdominal pain I've been having. And obviously also the emotional struggle of losing a baby we were longing for. Though I can't cry, for I struggle to take deep breaths because of the pain. That will come, I'm sure, since I have many close friends and two sister-in-laws who are expecting and we have been desiring another baby for a long time.
So please pray for a rapid return to health during this very busy time in our lives. I will be in the hospital overnight and possibly through part/most of the day tomorrow. And that God would be glorified even in this.
Dear Elissa, My heart goes out to you in your loss...it's hard to lose a baby especially one that you've been longing for...may God bless and heal you emotionally and physically. May you all feel His special grace as you see others having and holding their babies and you miss yours. Take care! With love and prayers, Carissa Loewen
ReplyDeleteO girl, I cried and practically groaned when I heard on Tuesday that you'd lost your baby. Actually, we were there at the clinic (for an appointment) when you were there. We saw your vehicle and the ambulance and assumed that one of you was on a run. As always when I see an ambulance I said to Reuben, "I feel sorry for whoever needs that today..." Had no clue it was our cousin--and their dearly loved and desired baby!!! I'm just so sorry and crying as I type this. Losing a baby/babies is SOOO HARD!!! I know. Maybe our babies are playing together in heaven? Maybe God has the three of them in His arms. Oh, what a sweet thought! I love you both so much, and truly want to support you in any way I can. Also, just for something to look forward to, there's a card coming in the mail. Holding you close in my heart, Judi B.