
Saturday, December 14, 2013

The trailer is gone, and other stories...

Yesterday was a WEE bit warmer, so Jere decided to tackle replacing the back door. The door was ruined when someone broke into the house before it was moved, and then the frame got twisted during the move, so we could see a lot of daylight around it. Not real nice when it's below zero and the wind is blowing... Anyway, now it's nice and tight, and we can actually use it! Hurrah!

And... (drum roll)... this morning this is what we saw:

Yes, the mobile home is really truly gone. It was a bittersweet moment to watch it roll over the field and out of sight. We've made a lot of memories in that house. But, it was time to say goodbye, too!

And then I found out I wasn't giving my daughter enough credit for being a big helper. Guess I usually rely on the boys, since they're already "trained" to do so much. But they were out learning to be men with their daddy, so li'l sis and Mama were left to do the laundry...

Oh, yes, and Teddy was "helping" too. ;-)
I was really amazed at how well she did, faithfully stuffing almost a whole load of dirty laundry in, shaking most pieces out carefully first. I was there scrubbing chocolate ice cream out of one of her shirts, so she thought she was doing it all by herself. And my, was she proud of it! She knew she'd done something special and held her head high while her eyes sparkled in delight. I'd forgotten how such simple little things can build a small child's self-esteem. Guess I'll have to let her do it more often now!

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