
Monday, March 31, 2014

More mud..

Yes, it seems like spring is really arriving, at long last! The snowbanks are disappearing, and the mud is ankle deep between the house and the driveway. The boys are loving being able to go outside without bundling up to their eyes, and little sister mourns her lack of mud boots as she can't go out to join them. Somehow the boots the boys had at her size all sprung leaks and we can't find any that small right now! Oh well.

Jere's been working away at our house on the weekend and evenings. He gutted the bathroom upstairs and has been working at re-routing the plumbing.

Here's where the old bathtub was removed!

He also has the mudroom done! Well, done till summer once some of the other more pressing projects are done, then he wants to take out the paneling on the outside wall and find out where the WIND was coming from last winter, that was so strong it even blew the handle-less door open into the living room! Everything we had out there froze, despite the heat vent. It was just as leaky as can be. So, there's a job to figure it out so by next winter we can still use the room. :-)

Yes, the two little ones had their baths in the utility sink Saturday night! Hey, it beats the tote we were using!

Here it is, all done! LOVE it!
And just in case you think it's all work and no play at our house:

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