
Monday, February 3, 2014

A white winter

I can't believe it's February already. And then in the next breath I want to say, I can hardly wait for this winter to be over! We have had a very cold, very snowy, and very blustery winter so far. I'll have to get out sometime and get some good snow pictures, but for now suffice to say we've carried the children from the end of our driveway several times, gotten vehicles stuck several times, had to deal with vehicles/tractor that won't start or won't keep running, and the furnace is a wood eating monster! There, that about sums up the weather this winter! And Jere still says he wants to move north... HELP!!!! :-)

Things around here have been nothing short of utterly hectic the last couple of weeks. We survived one weekend of EMT refresher, and we have one more coming up. Between that and Jere just getting back from Haiti and the weather and lots of church/social activities, we feel like our daily routine kind of went out the window. I'm hoping to get it back a little bit this week, for the children's sake. They're not dealing with it all the best sometimes, and it's time to step back and just take a breather right now. And for their mommy's sake, too! I have actually been doing very well. It seems my strength is coming back to a greater degree, and I'm beginning to feel more normal. I've been able to keep up with things better, so that feels really good. Well, if I could get some sleep. Our dogs have taken to howling at the moon the last couple of nights and I haven't been sleeping real well. But it's exciting to be able to start exercising again, not to mention running up and down stairs an awful lot and not feeling completely worn out after only two or three rounds.

Jere's been staying busy, obviously. He has his "new" skid steer almost back together and working, just has one more seal to change. He's actually working on a small job today, and I think he'll be there the rest of this week. And I believe he'll be starting to spend some time in the woods cutting trees before just too long. He's feeling a little like this winter isn't long enough!

I'm going to add a few pictures of his trip to Haiti... Enjoy!

Jere and Anita

View from the mountains down to the ocean.

Members of the SALT team looking over the ag program nursery where they are growing coffee seedlings and are experimenting with other plants.

Clint Bower, Darv Seibel, on left, as the SALT representatives in Haiti. Clinton Wolf, the other "blah" (white man) is the one who went with Jere and is the head of the SALT board Stateside.

Ocean view.

They "toured" a boat-building business they discovered along the beach. Sounded fascinating!

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