
Monday, August 5, 2013

School days again!

 Yes, school days have come again to Hege Hill! We're starting with just 3 days a week for now. And we're in the new school room in the new house! I just didn't have room to set up all the stuff in the old house, and hopefully before too long we'll be spending more and more time in the new house as things get done little by little.

Jaron is in First Grade this year!
And Eliott is in Preschool!

They're both VERY excited about school, new crayons and books and getting to do it in the new house. Jaron was excited about getting to sit by a window--I hope it won't be a distraction for him in days to come, but it wasn't today at least. I liked the view, and being able to see the driveway so easily. We'll see what happens when it's harvest time and there are TRACTORS out the window!

Here is the new school room all set up temporarily. We plan to put built-in shelves/bookcases along the end wall, get a real desk for Eliott, and open the window up into the kitchen a bit more. But this works, for now!
And if you think we're missing someone here, we are. Leanna went to look at a job with Daddy, and was gone all morning. For which I'm very thankful! For I'm not looking forward to teaching her she has to play by herself in the other end of the room... Anybody have ideas for a "busy box" for an almost-2-year old? I have some things, but more for Eliott's age group once Jaron's school gets a little farther and he's doing school longer than Eliott. I think Leanna will enjoy some of it, but most of it is over her head....

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