
Monday, August 26, 2013

Work on the house!

Well, here are a few pictures of the progress on our house over the weekend. I guess I didn't get any photos of what Jere did in the basement, where he spent most of his time and energy getting the last of the support structures in place. However, here's what happened in the house.
We took out the window between the entry and living room, and added support there for the new drywall to be fastened to.

Here's from the entry side. On this side, we'll be putting wood paneling on to hopefully match what's there, and then putting in a cabinet with a utility sink and some counter top, and some shelving. Plus tile for the floor. I can hardly wait to USE the mud room!!

Here's the opening for the old basement stairs. It had been covered over and the area used for a closet. We'll be widening and lengthening the opening and putting decent stairs in one of these days...

Jere tore down the old chimney chase, and took out a bunch of the duct work. He'll be re-installing it along with a chimney, and rebuilding the chase smaller than the original, so we'll actually have room to walk around the kitchen table.

And, here's the scholar busily at work at his desk!
Also, some very good news that we've sold TWO more puppies!!! And have quite a number of other people asking about the rest. That is thrilling! Here are the sold ones:

Caliper, going to PA

Corkie, going to MN

Friday, August 23, 2013

1 down, 6 to go

Puppies that is. One beautiful little girl is sold!

Don't you just love the heart shape on her forehead?

And we've had a fair amount of interest in the rest. Always lots of tire kickers, especially when they're this young. But that's part of this business. :-)

We've had a very busy week, as usual. Last weekend Jere managed to get the long support wall built in the basement, despite his run. (And the day after his run, there was another we didn't go on, but there was a saved life to show for it! Congrats, crew! That was fantastic work!!) Then all the rest of his "spare time" was spent getting the fencing fixed in another area so we could give our cattle some more pasture. We have a cow, a yearling steer, and a heifer calf making their homes with us for now. I'd love to have more, but our land is limited and we really can't. Anyway, now that they're happily enjoying some fresh grass, Jere's back to plugging away at the house. Except last night, when we took the time off to celebrate a new baby soon coming to the ridge with a baby shower for some neighbors. That was a lot of fun, and a nice break.

I've been staying busy with teaching school three days a week, plus my regular household work, plus a shopping trip to La Crosse all day Tuesday with my fun sister-in-laws (thanks for coming along, girls!), plus working on the house and all the inconveniences that brings, and I regularly feel a bit overwhelmed with it all. On Wednesday Jaron was bringing himself a drink for during school, and ended up falling as he maneuvered from the ladder to the new deck, 6' above the old one. It looks like he landed smack on his face. I was in the school room preparing his lessons, and I heard a thump and a scream and then silence for a minute. I knew that something had gone terribly wrong, and rushed to the door to see Jaron walking around the old deck, crying in gasps, with blood on his face. On examination, he had a brush burn on his chin, a few little scrapes on a swelling upper lip and nose, a cut lip, a good sized egg on his forehead, and one little finger hurt. I was SO grateful! We're constantly reminding them to be careful, as this IS a construction zone and things just aren't finished. And I've been worried that someone is going to get hurt. But now Jaron, at least, is going to be MUCH more cautious, and we can focus more on the younger two. It just seems like children will be monkeys if there is half a chance to be, and there's lots of chances around here right now. Ah, life in a construction zone!

One of these days hopefully I'll find time to get some more pictures to show you... For sure there will be more puppy pictures because I have to take them whether I have time or not! :-) So, we'll see how it goes today. There might be some exciting stuff going on in the new house by the end of the day. If we don't get any calls...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Joys of volunteering...

Jere was just getting started this morning on our weekend projects, moving a few toys out of the way and surveying the job before him. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEP went the pager. He looked at me with a helpless expression and hurried for his radio to respond. With stricken faces, the boys followed me into the house. "Mama, are you on call? Mama, please you go! I don't want Daddy to leave! I want to help Daddy." they pleaded, holding the "nail aprons" they were just preparing to put on to help Daddy with his project. I had to explain to them--once again--that someone got hurt and Daddy has to go help them. I couldn't go this time for various reasons, and they were in tears as Jere took off out the driveway to the rescue. All anyone else sees are the flashing red lights, the compassionate faces of the EMTs hovering over their patient, the piles of medical gear, the official looking bright blue vests. If you would have a medical emergency and need an ambulance, does it take a second thought, wondering if an ambulance will even show up? Today, many ambulances are staffed by full-time, paid employees. But some of us volunteer, leaving projects and family at any odd moment to help others in need. Without any recompense but the grateful look of the patient if they're so kind to reward us at all, and the knowledge of a job well done. Here's a salute to the dedicated men and women who volunteer in EMS and fire!

So, the projects for today are currently on hold till Jere gets back from his run. The upside is, he takes the time off the job to be on call Fridays, so he has an extra day to work on our house--when he doesn't have a run. It's a nice excuse to have two at-home workdays in a weekend, at least. :-) And, we ARE glad we can be a blessing to those who are in trouble.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Yep, it happened again! There are 7 day-old pups out in our dog shed. What fun! Check out our puppy website to see pictures of all of them.
Meanwhile, here are a couple of them:

The only male in the litter!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The deck!

Well, lately we've been working hard at getting the deck up, so we can access our house without the need for planks and ladders. Well, I guess we'll still need ladders for a bit till we can get the steps built, but we also have a VERY nice porch now! Hooray! (Thank you, Noeckers, Hamanns, and Micah!)
A week ago, August 3, we had a work day where a handful of men came over to help with the deck. Here they're getting ready to set posts in the holes.

And, standing the post up!

Getting things set in place.

Making sure it's straight!

They got the perimeter boards up last Saturday, and a bunch of the joist hangers in place. Yesterday, one young man came to help Jere work at it some more. (THANKS, Marcus!!!) They got the joists up, and started on the decking. Today, Jere and Eliott got up early and went to work at the decking, and it looks like not too much longer and they'll have it all on! Hooray!

The Little Miss amusing herself with simple toys.

The boys helping Daddy screw down the decking.

It's hard work to get those screws in just right!


What fun they're having all working together. I was even out for awhile cutting boards for them--that was fun!

Hopefully soon I'll have pictures of the finished deck, and we'll be able to get on to some of these other projects inside... :-) The ones I'm anxious to see done. But, I know we needed to be able to access the house, too. The plank going through the back door was a nice idea while we didn't have any other option, but then, when it rained, there was no way to close the back door. Hmmm. Now we're able to use the back AND the front door! Hooray for progress!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

School days again!

 Yes, school days have come again to Hege Hill! We're starting with just 3 days a week for now. And we're in the new school room in the new house! I just didn't have room to set up all the stuff in the old house, and hopefully before too long we'll be spending more and more time in the new house as things get done little by little.

Jaron is in First Grade this year!
And Eliott is in Preschool!

They're both VERY excited about school, new crayons and books and getting to do it in the new house. Jaron was excited about getting to sit by a window--I hope it won't be a distraction for him in days to come, but it wasn't today at least. I liked the view, and being able to see the driveway so easily. We'll see what happens when it's harvest time and there are TRACTORS out the window!

Here is the new school room all set up temporarily. We plan to put built-in shelves/bookcases along the end wall, get a real desk for Eliott, and open the window up into the kitchen a bit more. But this works, for now!
And if you think we're missing someone here, we are. Leanna went to look at a job with Daddy, and was gone all morning. For which I'm very thankful! For I'm not looking forward to teaching her she has to play by herself in the other end of the room... Anybody have ideas for a "busy box" for an almost-2-year old? I have some things, but more for Eliott's age group once Jaron's school gets a little farther and he's doing school longer than Eliott. I think Leanna will enjoy some of it, but most of it is over her head....

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The basement floor and a bike ride

I guess I technically don't have any pictures of the finished basement floor yet... Guess I should do that. But for now, these will have to do... :-)
I stepped out the door, and this is what I saw! Jere was finishing a last bit of troweling through the window. Thanks, Jon!

 By the way, yesterday the last of the block was laid, filling in the holes where the house mover's beams had to come down. That was a good feeling! Now, if we could just get the door and windows in, we'd actually have it all enclosed!

Then on Sunday afternoon we went for a family bike ride on the state bike trail. We did 7 miles, and Jaron rode his own bike the whole way! And then some, at the parking lot where we waited while Jere tore back to the truck to come and get us.
Taking a drink en-route.

Here are the flowers my little men picked for me along the way.

Eliott hitting sticks at the parking lot. What children don't find to amuse themselves!

Jaron hitting sticks.

Leanna. Cuteness!

Can't get enough of my girlie!

Look, Mama, Daddy's coming!

And here is a shot of the shed that Jere's building right now. I took lunch down to him one day, so I could see what he's been up to, too. He's coming right along!