Here is a picture of my helpers:

They LOVE to help with the laundry--which is good, because I end up doing a lot of laundry! I do enjoy it, and get to do most everyone's wash at one time or another, since the compound wash machine is in our house.
On Tuesday Jere was helping a road crew with fixing the road. He invited the rest of us to join him for a bit. Here's Leanna enjoying watching the men throw rocks (for fill) into the Bobcat UTV/dump truck.
The men loading rocks.
We spent a little time playing in the water while waiting for Jere to finish his load.
A couple of ladies making their way down the rutted road--possibly coming home from market?
I was fully intending to write this update much sooner. However we've had a very busy couple of days! Tuesday a lady came into the clinic in labor. Which wasn't a big surprise, seeing it's baby season here. After a long night of laboring (and though I wasn't helping I didn't sleep much, due to the fact that the clinic is just outside our window and she was doing a lot of yelling!) she finally had a healthy little girl at 7:40 Wednesday morning--her due date, no less! I did attend the actual birth, as there was some meconium staining and they were afraid we were going to have to do a resuscitation. But I did nothing but watch--thankfully!
Later Wednesday morning I was walking back from picking up Eliott from helping his daddy down at the re-built clinic, and saw a lady come in on a stretcher to the current clinic. And she looked pregnant! Sure enough. . . She was kind enough to calm her yells in the afternoon long enough for me to sleep a little, which was a good thing. Then in the evening as we were out for a little family walk Steve and the faithful Bobcat UTV /ambulance brought in yet another laboring lady! About supper time the two-way radio crackled to life with the news, that Mom #1 admitted to having had an ultrasound, with confirmed twins. So that meant a trip out to town for poor Steve, as the babies were in a bad position and there was totally no way they would come without a C-section. Mom #2 was the biggest screamer I've heard yet, going at it full volume most of the night. I did get a few hours of sleep as I was too tired to stay awake any longer, but around 2:30 I headed over to the clinic to help since I wasn't sleeping anyway. At 3:32 another healthy, screaming baby girl was born! After helping bathe and dress and care for Baby, I was able to head home again around 4:30. So, needless to say, today has been a little draggy feeling! And we're hoping that tonight, at least, we'll get a bit of a break. The Lord knows, though!
Our team left this morning, leaving it feeling quiet and a bit more barren of English around here again, till the next group arrives Saturday I believe. We actually leave Haiti a week from today, so plan to enjoy it as much as we can in these last few days. Seems like the time is just flying by! And oh my, I'm ready for a nap again already. . . .
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