Well, we survived our first Sunday! :-) We walked to church in the morning, a nice little hike we took rather quickly and it left me puffing! I was glad to sit down on the hard, narrow, wooden bench. The ankle I broke a year ago still bothers me, especially when hiking on the trails here with their abundance of loose rock. I wear a brace which helps some, but I definitely still feel it. Church was somewhat crowded. Where we sat the roof kind of came down into a V with a gutter in between to drain the water. It was low enough I kept hitting my head when I stood up! There must have been water pooled in the gutter a bit, as some of the others were getting dripped on though it wasn't raining. Occasionally a lovely cool breeze came wafting through the building, which otherwise was rather hot, stuffy, and a bit, um, rich with smells. Everyone was dressed in their best finery. For some it meant what looked like cast offs from a previous team--long jumpers or cape dresses. For others it meant a thin T-shirt with bold logos, and a lacy, ruffled skirt. Most of the women wore some sort of scarf, bandana, or hat. A few of the men wore long sleeved, button up shirts, but most wore T-shirts and jeans. Almost no one had socks. The smaller children were in and out frequently, visiting the vendors sitting in the back with their big baskets or basins full of candy, cookies, and crackers for sale. The little boy sitting next to me couldn't get enough of running his fingers through Leanna's hair while she slept! We left a bit early, as my back wasn't handling the bench too well. Sigh. Then came the walk home. To find a man waiting who had fallen and gotten a cut on the back of his head. I helped Anita clean it up, then she sent him out to find someone to shave his head while we had lunch. Well, lunch wasn't quite ready by the time he got back, so we headed back to the clinic. Anita bandaged him, while I cleaned and re-bandaged "Leg Man #1"'s leg. Then we worked together to clean and bandage "Leg Man #2"'s abcess. Then we could go have our lunch! Till then everyone else was pretty much done. :-) I enjoyed feeling useful for once, though.
The rest of our Sunday afternoon was relaxing. We spent time talking, and resting. In the evening the single girls and our little family went up to Reinford's orphanage as is the custom Sunday evenings. We had an enjoyable time playing with the 11 children there, laughing, reading, visiting, and relaxing some more. Our boys enjoyed playing with some other English speaking children, as the children up there speak English quite well.
Now, Monday morning, it's back to the grind. Leanna decided she didn't want to nap despite being tired, so it's been a struggle to get her down all morning. She's finally sleeping, though. Jere's down in the shop working at the little Bobcat ATV/Gator thing that has a few issues, fixing the little boys' ball that had a run-in with the thorn bush, and other little projects here and there. But I should be going and get a few things done while Leanna sleeps! More later. . .
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