
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bee sting!

Yep, the poor li'l mister got a bee sting on his lip. He was out delivering lumber with his Daddy, and discovered a used beer can full of bees. Not realizing what it was or what it was full of, he evidently tried to take a swig--most likely thinking it was a soda can. And he suffered for it. Jere knew that plaintain (a "weed" that grows wild in most unsprayed lawns) when chewed and applied can cut the pain and swelling, but he didn't know which plant it was so came flying home to Mama to fix it! But when Eliott saw Mama coming with that big, slimy wad of chewed up weed directed right for his lip he completely freaked out. So I ran back to the house and grabbed my bottle of Lavender oil. Ah, that was a little less scary, and within seconds he was his happy self, saying it didn't hurt anymore and ready to go help again. He still looks rather comical, but at least it doesn't seem to bother him!

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