Well, I think it's about time I brag on my big helpers! With our first "real" school year coming up (Jaron will be doing K5 work, and will hopefully be reading simple words by the end of the school year!) and our boys getting bigger we felt like it was time to include Jaron, at least, into some "bigger" chores. He gets paid with "prize money", which he can use to "buy" fun objects from the prize box, though I hardly think he needs that incentive. He just loves the chance to do "big people" work! They both make their beds, and feed the dogs and cats daily. Jaron washes the breakfast dishes, and Eliott rinses the supper dishes. Once a week Jaron cleans his bedroom, and another day in the week he cleans the bathroom. Of course it's pretty basic stuff, with mild cleaners, and so far I've been supervising pretty closely. It takes more time, of course, than doing it myself, but I feel it's well worth the time spent! In a year or two he'll be doing it on his own more or less and should be saving me time. We're all very excited about the new chores and the prizes, as well as the start of school next week. I hope to post some more pictures soon, maybe even today, but we'll see what time allows!
Vacuuming the bedroom floor.
Cleaning the bathroom sink (with some extra help!)
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