With temps in the eighties, it feels more like June or July than March. We've also had lots of sun and strong winds. We're enjoying it! Bare feet, emerging green grass, tulips and rhubarb poking their heads up, short sleeves (not Eliott's cup of tea! He sometimes gets upset that he can't pull the sleeve down to his hands!), SPRING!
On Sunday Jere finished up his Wisconsin refresher training, passing all his tests. Now we're both scrambling a bit to get enough extra hours to keep up our national registry certification. Wisconsin doesn't require us to keep that up (we need 42 hours a piece more than what the state requires to keep up the national) but the way it's heading it just seems like a good thing to keep it up as the requirements are getting tougher all the time. Means a lot of studying for us, but then that's something I really enjoy anyway.
Leanna rolled from her back to her front today! She's rolled from front to back twice, kind of by accident, before, but this was deliberate and hard work to go from back to front. But she did it--twice! I measured her too, as it seems like she's growing like a weed, and she measured 25". An inch a month. One of these days I want to take her in to be weighed. All I know is she's a solid little chunk and those creases are only getting deeper.
Whisper is doing quite well. She's terribly shy and it's taking some work to win her trust, but now she's coming up to me of her own free will with just a little coaxing. She's made fast friends of Kodi, and enemies with the cats. Typical puppy! :-)
Wow, Leanna is almost as big as Daniel now! He had a WIC clinic appointment yesterday and measured at 26 1/4 inches, 17 lbs 6 oz. Good height to weight ratio, but small for his age. So was Joseph. Guess we're gonna have a short family here! :) Love you!!!!