I was just getting some photos off the camera today and realized that it's been awhile since I've done it--which also means its been awhile since I posted anything on this blog. So, here are a few pictures of what we've been up to since the last post!
One thing we've started doing is giving the boys a few more chores. With Mama's waist expanding and backaches being more common than not, household help is appreciated! And since we can't seem to find domestic help, it's time for the kids to pitch in a bit more. They've already taken over loading and unloading the dishwasher, and Jaron takes care of the chickens. But we've added a few Saturday chores--and the kids are thrilled!
Jaron's newest job is to clean the main bathroom. He's delighted to follow his little checklist and get to use all those fancy cleaning supplies!
Eliott's job is to sweep the stairs with a little dust brush. He's disappointed that he doesn't get to spray anything, but proud that he's needed.
And Leanna's caught the cleaning fever. She begs and begs and begs to PLEASE "pray" something! So I try to find places she won't hurt by overspraying and let her have at it.
Here are a few more general family activity photos taken since I last posted.
Jaron had to do a school writing project on making a banana split. Problem is, he'd never heard of one! So we got the ingredients and had a banana split special for dessert one night. By the way, this is Daddy's bowl. The rest of us had half that amount or less!
Leanna decided to hang out on the laundry sorting shelves. After I took this picture, she added a pillow, blanket, and ever present Teddy to make a cozy bed.
Eliott enjoys mopping!
After one snowfall Jaron made a snowman all by himself! He was quite proud of it!
An after-supper romp.
Handsome hunter.
One evening after I was done making Pico de Gallo for supper, these two munchkins begged the leftover lemons from squeezing and happily sucked the remaining pulp dry. I was shuddering watching them, but they were thrilled with their treat!
Another big project lately is trying to get the rest of our big remodel projects done. I'm delighted to announce we're finally finished with the upstairs bathroom--one of the biggest single room projects we had. And, it's the first room in the house to be DONE. Well, with the exception of the hand towel ring. These are some mid project pictures--I'll have to go take some of the finished product one of these days. I'm totally thrilled with the way it's turning out!
This past week I was privileged to throw a baby shower for my sweet sister-in-law. We had a very sweet, blessed time. And, I had lots of help to pull it off, after struggling for an entire week with migraines... Thanks girls!!!
Snack table
The cake one of the girls made.
The special lady. She was surprised!
With very current news. Jere is in Haiti at the moment, on another SALT trip. He's been gone most of this week, and will be gone yet part of next week. We miss him awfully, but we're managing to survive, somehow. And then, today these showed up at my door. I think I must be one of the most blessed women alive!!!