
Friday, January 24, 2014

Surprise for Jere

Jere arrived back home safe and sound yesterday! We were all SO excited to see him! And I think he was glad to be back. It seemed like, as usual, that things went wrong all over while he was gone. Including, yesterday morning, trouble with our van. I started it to warm up a bit before we had to leave (at -5, that might be a good idea?), but once everyone was bundled and ready to go out, the van had quit and wouldn't start again. I called a neighbor who kindly came to help. He put jumper cables on and poured HEET into the gas tank and couldn't get it to go for anything. So, Corinne came and picked us up instead of us meeting her at the babysitter's. Not a good start to an exciting day, but with lots of help from lots of people we made it work!

Our week without Jere was a lot more bearable as we were planning a surprise for him when he got home. He knew I wanted to get the painting done, but I wanted to do more than that. So I had a friend install carpeting in the master bedroom, and had LOTS of help come Wednesday evening to move us upstairs! Thank you SO much, Hostetlers and Kyle! You don't know what that meant to me...

When Jere walked in the basement door last night, he noticed right away our bed was missing. He gave me a funny, questioning look and asked what happened? I told him to come see. Well, he had another tired child to carry in from the vehicle, so it took him a bit. He of course quickly noticed the children's beds were missing as well. I could hardly contain myself! Right away he started asking what I'd done for flooring, and I told him to go look. We went upstairs, and in a slightly disappointed voice he said, "Oh, I see you just put rugs down." I did have an area rug in Leanna's bedroom, which is the easiest one to see into from the stairs. The floors upstairs are simply painted wood that's in sorry shape, but it was cleanable so I figured it would do for now. Then Jere turned and looked into the master bedroom.

And all he could say was "WHAT? What did you do?" And then he laughed a relieved little laugh, and I was delighted! Ok, the trim still needs to be put up and there's a few scuffs on the walls from laying the carpet that need to be touched up, but we're IN, and he doesn't have to lay and finish the flooring in that big bedroom. Hooray! We're moved in upstairs--even though it's cold and drafty, it still feels like a big accomplishment. And once he was home I discovered that he had the heat run to the upstairs plugged, so no wonder it was so cold. It will take him a few minutes to hook it up (hopefully he'll have those few minutes today!) but then things should be warmer up there. That will be nice! Meanwhile, I'm needing to take some time to recuperate after all that project...

The boys' room.

Leanna's room.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Well, we're finally getting paint on the walls upstairs!!! I was extremely blessed by a handful of young ladies who came yesterday and painted all day. The results are close to spectacular. I am SO excited to be getting another stage behind us! Thanks, girls! You did a great job, and worked so hard. 
The boys' room. Note the neon green where the new paint hasn't been put on yet. Yeah, yuck.

The master bedroom. No, the window to the left is not short, they just didn't get the drywall cut around it. I love my new bedroom! And can hardly wait to show off when it's all the way done!

A shot from the other way in the master bedroom.

Taking a closer look at the beam and accent wall. Did I mention I love it? :-)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Birthdays and other blessings

Whew, it's been awhile since I posted anything! And we've had a lot going on in the last few weeks. So I'll try to catch up with things.

The two biggest events of the last couple of weeks have been birthdays!

Jere turned 34!
And Eliott turned 4!

His prized Bulldozer cake...
Our house is coming along, SLOOOWLY. But, it's coming! We had someone come spray foam insulation in the ceiling in our bedroom's new vaulted ceiling. So now our house is insulated--a help in this colder weather we've been having.

We now have all the sheetrock hung (sorry, no pictures yet) and a friend is doing the mudding for us. I'm hoping to have a painting day and get the upstairs painted before Jere gets back from Haiti. Oh, yes, I don't think I'd mentioned that before. Jere's going to Haiti as part of his involvement with the SALT board, leaving on Thursday, and he will be gone for a week. It's going to be a bit challenging to have him gone right now, but it seems I'm going to have some support from some of our friends at church so that should help.

And, last but certainly not least, I'm getting stronger. I think. As soon as I think I am I go do a bunch and get SO tired that it lays me out for a couple of days. Oh well. I finally got one curtain made! It was the simplest one in the house, and took me 3 days.

The kitchen window with the new curtain.

Today I worked up enough energy to touch up a few spots of paint on the kitchen cabinets that needed it, and painted the trim on one window upstairs. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to do my work again one day and not feel like I ran a marathon afterward!

We are getting a mild blizzard today. I enjoy watching snow blow! Though the wind seems to seep in all the little cracks everywhere. But the drifts outside are lovely!

Have a wonderful, blessed day! And please remember to pray for us over the next 10 days. For safe journeys for Jere, and safety and sanity for those he leaves behind!